Home Classifieds Selling ASEBA Items

Selling ASEBA Items

Home Classifieds Selling ASEBA Items

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  • #50767
    Lindsey CooperMember

    I no longer need my Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) items. They were purchased in 2012 and are in good condition. I will sell everything listed below for $200 or individual items as priced below. Please let me if you are interested, you can call or text me at 520-390-6749 or email me at lindseycooperlcsw@gmail.com. I can ship them as well for an additional cost. Thanks!

    For Ages 1.5-5
    Child Behavior Checklist Ages 1.5-5 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates $5
    Caregiver-Teacher Report Form Checklist Ages 1.5-5 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates $5
    Manual for the ASEBA Preschool Forms & Profiles: $25

    For Ages 6-18
    Manual for the ASEBA School-Age Forms and Profiles: $25
    Multicultural Supplement to the Manual for the ASEBA School-Age Forms & Profiles: $20
    ASEBA-PC Assessment Data Manager for Ages 6-18: $20

    For Ages 18-59
    Manual for the ASEBA Adult forms and Profiles: $20
    Adult Self-Report Reusable Hand scoring template $5
    Adult Behavior Checklist/18-59 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates $5

    For the Semi structured Clinical Interview for Children and Adolescents (SCICA) Ages 6-18
    Training for the SCICA on CD: $20
    SCICA for Ages 6-18 Assessment Data Manger CD: $20
    SCICA Video Training DVD: $20
    Manual for the SCICA on CD: $20

    Manual for the Test Observation Form for Ages 2-18: $20

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